"Connecting Voices, Empowering Futures"

To create a thriving community where every voice is heard, where communication
bridges gaps, and where empowerment and progress flourish.
About Teco

Our Vision

To create a thriving community where every voice is heard, where communication bridges gaps, and where empowerment and progress flourish. We envision a future where collaboration, education, and inclusivity pave the way for sustainable growth and holistic development, fostering a united and prosperous Tonj East.

This vision focuses on inclusivity, empowerment, collaboration, and sustainable development, aiming to create a cohesive and prosperous community where communication serves as a catalyst for positive change.
Our Services

Our Services

1999 Wunlit peace conference

Tonj East County is an integral part of the Greater Tonj Community with its headquarters located at Romic Town.

Community Programs

Tonj East County comprises 13 administrative payams and is composed of distinct communities.


Explore our Video and photo Gallery

Our Mission

Our mission at Tonj East Community Organization is to foster a connected, informed, and empowered community through effective communication strategies, education, and sustainable initiatives. We strive to create platforms that amplify diverse voices, promote dialogue, and facilitate access to resources for holistic growth. By nurturing collaboration, advocating for equality, and championing innovation, we aim to build a resilient community where every individual is inspired and supported to reach their fullest potential."This mission statement emphasizes communication, education, empowerment, collaboration, inclusivity, and innovation as pillars for the organization's endeavors in building a resilient and thriving Tonj East community

1st Tonj East County Commissioner

People Say The Nicest Things

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Jeniffer Smith


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Pamela Duncan


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Steve Tailor


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Don't Know What To Start With?

Empowering Progress Amid Adversity:
Education, Health, Economy, and Peace


Head Office

To create a thriving community where every voice is heard, where communication bridges gaps, and where empowerment and progress flourish.

Custom, Gudele Road, NIT Building in Juba, South Sudan

Phone: +211919778443

WhatsApp: +211919778443

Contact Us

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